Tucumcari Historical Museum
Original 1926 Chevrolet Fire Truck
Used for many years by the Tucumcari Volunteer Fire Dept.
This fire truck was purchased by the city of Tucumcari for the volunteer fire department., From Lee J. Pelzer Motor Company. A Tucumcari paper of March 10, 1927, reported the arrival, with a factory representative and demonstrator.
The fire-fighting unit was powered by a Jaeger Portable Power Corp., Detroit, Michigan, unit #149. The article continued, “The truck is the latest and most improved in the way of small city fire fighting apparatus”.
After many years of use by the volunteer fire department, many members being leading citizens of the city, this truck was replaced by a modern, larger model. Unfortunately, after the vehicle was turned to the Historical Museum it remained on the museum grounds, as there was no available storage.
La Esperanza club donated $400 toward the restoration of this truck as a club project. This generosity encouraged the museum board in its decision to proceed.
C. W. McMullen, owner of Tucumcari Motor Company, actually made the project possible. He donated shop space, equipment used in skilled body shop labor over a period of months. Jim Massey, Shop foreman, and crew spent untold hours at the exacting and tedious work. To them all, our sincere appreciation.
Irad Arnold and crew of the Eastern New Mexico University Tucumcari Branch replaced woodwork, including a new steering wheel.
William Coe, antique car buff aided with catalogs, suggestions and encouragement.
Officials of the City of Tucumcari cooperated. Plans are now underway where the vehicle will be housed on the museum grounds, to be viewed by public.
Members of the Tucumcari Volunteer Fire Department, headed by Jack Bollinger, Chief, and Warren Coughenour, Secretary , have furnished material and information.
We hope this 50 year-old veteran will be in many local parades in the future.